How to Set Up a COVID-19 Inoculation Program

Employers can help to increase the inoculation uptake amongst their employees by providing and encouraging more information about immunization and establishing supportive practices and policies regarding the same. Building strong confidence within your organization about taking up inoculation can lead to more people getting protected and fewer people getting diagnosed, hospitalized, and face death. Employers and employees can benefit in many ways through an inoculation drive. Benefits to Employers can be:
  • Preventing the employees from getting COVID-19 leads to a healthy workforce and a healthy workplace.
  • Decrease in the number of leaves caused by illness.
  • Improvement in productivity.
  • Improvement in morale confidence.
Benefits to Employees can be:
  • Protection from COVID-19 illness.
  • Reducing the number of leaves and doctor visits because of illness.
  • Improvement in moral confidence.
The below information can help you prepare for an inoculation program at your organization. Consideration of accessibility options for inoculating your employees On-site at workplace
  • Institutional office sites.
  • Mobile inoculation clinic brought at the workplace.
  • Temporary inoculation program run by the employer.
  • Existing occupational health clinics.
Off-site in the community
  • Remote or conserved office site.
  • Mobile or temporary inoculation set up at any community location.
  • Health care provider offices and hospitals.
  • Qualified health centers that are federally provided.
  • Other community clinics.
Things you must consider before recruiting the inoculation providers. Your inoculation provider should be:
  • Adhering to the SOP guidelines by the government.
  • Adhering stringently to the guidelines set by the MOHFW.
  • Having a properly trained skilled and experienced team of professionals.
  • To give inoculation only by trained and authorized officers.
  • Following the stepwise management for inoculation.
  • Using high-quality consumables and protective gears at all times.
  • Delivering the best IT support required for maintaining the database of the beneficiary and follow-up activities.
  • Implement each and every step for inoculation with integrity.
Determine when your employees can be inoculated: Some employees can be eligible in the earlier phase of the inoculation process due to their age, underlying their medical conditions, and other criteria to be considered. It is also considerably important to determine the time frame of when your employees will be eligible for the inoculation.  Best Practices: Whether the inoculation process is taking place at the workplace or in the community employers should:  (i) Offer transportation support in case of off-site clinic setups or flexible and paid sick leave options for the employees with symptoms after taking the inoculation. (ii) Allow your employees to grow confidence to take up the inoculation. Workers that are hesitant at first may become more confident after seeing other co-workers getting inoculated. Some older employees may hesitate at first, but employers should offer more than one opportunity for the inoculation.
(iii) Ask the respected members of the organization’s community to help all the employees build confidence for the inoculation process and promote the importance of the same.  To host a workplace inoculation program there should be a planning process that should include inputs from human resources, labor representatives, management, and employees. To execute the inoculation process for employees at the workplace, the employers should contact the health department of their administration for better guidance. Employers should contact a community inoculation vendor because these providers typically deliver worksite inoculation services and are expanding to provide the same. They have a fully trained nursing staff, they can bill insurance for administration fees, and also report inoculation administration data to immunization registries. The best vendors that execute the inoculation drive at various corporate sites are the ones who conduct these programs with convenience under assured good clinical practices.